Newest Free Stories

She Male Photo Gallery Brought My High School Fantasy To Life
A friend of mine from high school came to visit me after many years when I moved into my new apartment in Los Angeles. We were good friends back then and kept in touch, but we went apart due to our careers. He was even one off the first and few people I came out to in high school, so our relationshi... Read full Story
My Erotic She Male Pics Photo Shoot
You know that time when you feel so horny and you want to nail every guy that passes right next to you? Well, I was dealing with that! My body was just burning for some hot, sexy guy that will grab me like no one did before, place me against the wall and fuck so hard that I start screaming out of jo... Read full Story
I Added A New Story To My Porn She Male Stories
I was having a coffee with one of my friends and I was telling her about my porn she male stories from my past. In the middle of my talking she stopped me and asked why am I always talking about ancient history. She told me that I was repeating myself and that I need to freshen up things. I realized... Read full Story
I Spend Way Too Much Time Looking At Shemale Photo Galleries
It is true, I spend way too much time looking at them, but it's hardly surprising when I regularly get to see some of the unbelievable things that I have seen over the years. There is some seriously amazing sights going on with these shemale photo galleries, and I'm totally addicted to them. The wei... Read full Story
How Many Free Shemale Mobile Videos Did You Know Were Out There...
Finding out that there are sites that you can watch shemale videos on out there was something that was always going to make my journeys home from work a hell of a lot more interesting! I always used to end up falling asleep or sitting next to some drunken lunatic who wanted to strike up a conversati... Read full Story
Caught Watching Free Mobile Shemales
I was watching Free Mobile Shemales on my phone browser during my lunch break when the phone rang. Annoyed by the fact that someone is interrupting my free time, I answered angrily "Yes, who is it?". "Wrong number", said a female voice, "Sorry to interrupt you lunch!", ... Read full Story
Tranny Porno Tube Surprise Party
“Is that some tranny porno tube on your computer?” my roommate asked, catching me once again in action. “NO!” I replied and added “You should really learn how to knock!” I was simply mad because he caught once more. I was about to move in with my girlfriend the... Read full Story
Jessica's Rules
You knew that you had made an error in not following Jessica's instructions. You felt that you would be able to do as you pleased while at home alone. That, of course, included the right to masturbate at any time. After all, you had been beating off several times a day since your early teens. T... Read full Story
Fantasy: Sarina and I
Fantasy: Sarina Valentina and I by GR Early one Saturday morning, I was lying in bed, next to my wife of thirty years, reading. I still had my morning wood, in addition to the book's being only vaguely interesting, and my wife was sound asleep, snoring softly. Of course, I was not making ... Read full Story
We Both Had Our TG Stories
“Let’s all share the best moments of our TG stories today!” the woman said. I was once more at this support meeting for transgender people because I wanted to see Molly. The best part of these meetings was her giant pair of tits and I didn’t really need the support to accept ... Read full Story