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Buffy the Shemale Vampire Slayer Part 2

She stared at him, offering him a haughty smile. "Why don't you throw me out?"

Spike started toward her, and Buffy kicked him in the groin. The vampire screamed, falling to his knees as he clutched his balls.

Buffy left him there, kneeling before her, as, a moment before, she had knelt before him. She smiled at his pain. "See you later, lover."

It felt good, leaving him that way. After all, although he was a lover (when it was convenient to her and she was needy), he was also one of the undead and, as such, he was also as much an enemy as he was a friend-and she, whatever else she might be, was a Slayer.

Faith, the reformed renegade Slayer, had gotten it right when it came to "men" like Spike: "get some, and get gone." Now, having "gotten some," it was time for Buffy to "get gone" to Willow's place. In the doorway, she paused to blow Spike a kiss. Then, she stepped back into the starry, warm southern California night.

A moment later, the vampire recovered enough from the pain in his groin to utter, through clenched teeth, a single-word retort: "Bitch!"

By then, though, Buffy was long gone.

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