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A Subtle Attention Getter

A good friend of mine told me about a she-male that hit on him the other night. From his description, she was very feminine and also very forceful. He normally loves that combination in women, but when they danced, he discovered her 'little something extra' and backed away. As he was telling me his little adventure, I thought of this story, it certainly got his attention, and I hope will keep you entertained for a bit.


The normal chat request appeared from someone named 'CassieG'. "Hmmm I'm not familiar with that name, I wonder who it is?" I thought to myself as I accepted the chat.

"I've heard about you!"

Interesting opening line, certainly beats the lame A/S/L that AsOL'ers started.

"What do you think you know?"

"Someone told me the cheerleader story, and attributed it to you."

Oh boy, just what I need, rumors and propaganda, even if they are true.

"Who told you about that?"

"I'm not saying, because if they weren't supposed to tell me, I don't want to get them into trouble. They did tell me more about you and thought we might hit it off."

"If you can't tell me who it was, how do I know we might be compatible?"

"Oh, the things them said told me we might have some fun together."

"What else did 'they' say?"

"Oh this and that, here let me send you my picture."

My e-mail chimed and I opened it up. Hmmm, she is very attractive and also very muscular. She reminds me a little of the wrestler, Chyna, long dark hair, very distinctive face, and a definite bicep. Looking closer I wasn't sure about something when my mail chimed again.

A second mail from Cassie, it was another picture. Her e-mail address was Hot Mail, which means there was probably little to discover about her on-line. The second pic was her in a more fetish garb holding a real BDSM sub male on a leash. Interesting! Her outfit was all black, possibly leather, but the resolution of the photo made it hard to see any details. She was tall, several inches taller than her sub. She might be close to my height. Obviously she has varied interests--who knows, maybe we can have some fun.

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