Newest Free Stories

I was at a customers' house doing some yard work as they had paid me in advance for just minor clean up, pulling weeds, mowing, trimming the hedges. I was finishing trimming the hedges in between the neighbors and their house and as I finished up the neighbors' wife came out or so I th... Read full Story
Glory hole surprise
I walked into the bookstore paid my way and went into the peeps; I usually avoid the theatres since there is not any privacy for playing. I guided my way in the dark letting my eyes adjust in the dark. I walked to the back where the stalls with the gloryholes are and found an open booth. I sa... Read full Story
Rob asked me to house sit and I didn't hesitate since he lives in a beautiful big house on the end of a Cul de Sac. There is only one house next to his and no one can see his backyard except the house next to his. His neighbor Bryan is a local college professor at the community college a... Read full Story
Friday Night
So its another Friday night and I was just driving around looking for something to do. I had already stopped by the local bookstore and didn't see anything I was really interested in so I kept driving. I saw a small bar down the street from the bookstore it looked quiet and not too busy for... Read full Story
One night I went to a different club to check things out. By now, I knew what I was looking for and where to find it. I was cruising the area with several bars for people with my kind of preferences you know women with more to offer a man. I parked out in the lot and began to walk in as I did ... Read full Story
I was walking around the local mall just doing some casual wandering shopping, not really looking for anything including what I found. I rounded the corner and there stood this amazing creature with long brown hair, deep blue eyes and the fullest lips I have seen in some time. She was a fuller fi... Read full Story
Danni Loves Tommy
Tommy was sitting in the bar for at least an hour when she finally arrived, she sat down next to him kissed his cheek, patted his leg and offered him her hand. He looked away as if someone had offended him and he was trying to avoid hitting them his veins popping out of his neck. She nuzzled up agai... Read full Story
Front row footage
As he stood in front of me, one hand stroking a very big cock as I looked quietly, kneeling in front of him. Being a crossdresser had its perks but, I was a straight man, how could I have put myself in this situation!? I love women, but I also liked dressing like them to, and going to a gay bar prob... Read full Story
Mary Ann and the Tim the Ranch Hand
A few months after my girlfriend moved away suddenly to her grandparents home across the country,( I learned a few years ago she got pregnant) I was riding around on my bike in the street when my neighbor Mary Ann called me over. She was 18, I was still 12 at the time and very horny since my girlfri... Read full Story
Kim and Friends Part 1
It was around 7:00am Saturday morning, as I woke I could still feel Kim laying behind me with hand on my hip and legs over mine. Kim and I had been seeing each other for around 18 months. The first 6 months we were in a master-slave contract that ended and we became a couple afterwards. After tha... Read full Story