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How I became a cute femboy CD part 4

My legs finally started to work again and I turned and was about to walk to my bedroom when Kevin’s voice stopped me.

“Come on, Natalie, you know you want to. You have been crushing on David ever since he moved here.”

“You’re an asshole, Kevin. You know that. You are a total asshole! I thought we were friends.” I felt a tear run down my cheek, and funny that as humiliated and upset as I was I briefly thought “don’t’ cry it will ruin your makeup.”

“Yeah, Kevin, you’re an asshole, can’t you see that she…I mean he is upset.” David told the other boy. I thought it was kind of sweet he said she at first.

David stood up and walked over to me and gently took my arm, “Come sit down before you pass out. Don’t have a fit ok? Let’s just talk. No one is going to make you do anything you don’t want and I swear I am not going to tell a soul about this. Trust me, ok. “

His kind words and voice were soothing and calmed me down a little and I nodded and looked up at him. He was so much taller than me. “Promise?”

“Yeah, I promise. If I do you can tell people some of the shit I told you ok?”

I nodded. A while back David had told me about his dad. His dad was a drunk and physically abused him. Per David the man would beat the hell out of him for stupid reasons like getting into a slump during baseball season and striking out a lot, not doing chores at home, and even the time he did not flatten me during the baseball game his dad beat him when they got home. And how his mother would be so scared of her husband she was powerless to stop the man. David said that was worse than the beating, having his mother cry and begs his dad to stop and later how she would come into his room and cry and beg her own son to forgive her because she was too much of a coward to stop a man from beating him.

I nodded and let David lead me to the couch. I sat in the middle between them and gave Kevin a dirty look and then just looked down and stared at my stomach. Odd, I thought, with everything happening my penis is still hard and you can tell. Blushing at my obvious arousal I lifted my butt off the couch and adjusted my dress to hide it. I cut my eyes at David to see if he noticed and I caught him looking at it and then he turned his head quickly. I then wiped my eye because it was starting to burn when a tear washed mascara in it.

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