Gratis Geschichten

Camming Down the Rabbit Hole Ch. 10
As the sun beamed in through a gap in the curtains my now familiar morning wood strained at the silk of my nightwear. How was it that no matter how hard I came the night before it would wake up eager and ready to go. As had become customary my mind would be filled with the events of the previous nig... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Camming Down the Rabbit Hole Ch. 12
We woke up many hours later, still intertwined, my morning wood throbbing as Ellie slid inside my panties and wrapped her hand around it. This was a much better way to wake up than usual, and we proceeded to have a really relaxed slow fuck. She reached a much more low key orgasm but I knew I wouldn’... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Camming Down the Rabbit Hole Ch. 09
As per my previous mornings recently, I stirred and rubbed the sleep from my eyes, that delicious feeling of my silk night ware stretching over my taught nipples and my morning wood throbbing in its lace enclosure. The urge to touch myself was palpable, it seemed no matter how hard I came the night ... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Camming Down the Rabbit Hole Ch. 11
I sat there for some time, my phone still in hand. I couldn’t fully comprehend the situation and where I was. All this started when I was put on furlough and thought I would be losing my job, an idea born out of boredom, hornieness and desperation. What started as a regular cam show with a guy hopin... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Stoping by the Adult Video Store.
Has anyone been ever stopped at an adult video store. That a rhetorical question, I know the answer. The first time I visited an adult video store, I was in for the shock of me life. Just like any inquisitive twenty yr old, I thought the establishment sold adults videos. It never dawned on my about ... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Catching up with the biggest cock
I have recently written with an account from my diary about the biggest cock that I’ve ever seen and someone saw the experience and wanted to know more as I had said that I met him a few times. So, I can bring that right up to date now because I have recently been to see him again. But let me go bac... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Die Überraschung
Die Überraschung Teil 1 Seit einiger Zeit hatte ich einen Mann, der mich zu seiner Geliebten man kann auch sagen zu seiner Frau gemacht hat. Wir kannten uns nun schon 6 Monate und unser Sexleben war wirklich toll. Er ging auf mich ein, und bereitete mit den „Frauenhimmel“ auf Erden. Er lass e... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Klassenfahrt nach Köln
Diese Geschichte habe ich tatsächlich so erlebt. Es war mein erstes sexuelles Erlebnis überhaupt und es hat mich nachhaltig geprägt. Ich besuchte die 10. Klasse eines Gymnasiums einer norddeutschen Kleinstadt. Ich hatte zwar Interesse an Mädchen, hatte aber keinerlei Erfahrungen mit ihnen machen ... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Cat hat einen riesen shemale Schwanz
In meinem zweiten Studienjahr fing ich an, mich mit einem der heißesten Mädchen auf dem Campus zu verabreden. Wir hatten uns in meinem Kurs Geschichte des Römischen Reiches kennengelernt und verstanden uns von Anfang an Ich brauchte fast ein ganzes Semester, bis ich den Mut aufbrachte, sie um ein Da... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Ein Wochenende zu Gast
Wo sind diese schöne Zeiten hin, alles ist vergänglich. Ich habe mir überlegt dass man seine Erlebnisse mal aufschreiben sollte, um sie für die Nachwelt zu erhalten. Mein aufregendstes Erlebnis war auf jeden Fall als mich eine Männergruppe von 6 Männern nach Hannover auf ein Wochenende, (von Freita... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Eine meiner Lieblingsphantasien
Eine meiner Lieblings-Phantasien – TEIL 1 Obwohl ich weiß, dass mich Männer vergöttern, mich hübsch und äußerst erregend finden, kann ich mit ihnen in der Regel nicht viel anfangen. Manchmal kommt es jedoch vor, dass ich so richtig geil auf devoten Sex bin, bei dem ich mich so richtig diskriminier... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Neulich im Pornokino
Der Tag hatte schon nach dem Aufstehen eine gewisse Spannung da Ich eine Verabredung zu einem Sexdate in einem Pornokino hatte.Ich gehe immer gestylt und nuttig angezogen ins Pornokino zu Sexdates, da mein Anblick schon mein gegenüber geil machen soll. Also ab unter die Dusche und komplett rasieren ... Lese die ganze Geschichte
das erste mal im pornokino
Meine erste Erfahrung als Damenwäscheträger in einem Pornokino. Vor einigen Jahren hatte ich mal einen bekannten, den ich am Telefon kennen gelernt hatte. Er war sehr dominant und ich musste ihm am Telefon mit „Meister“ ansprechen. Vor den verabredeten Anrufen habe ich mir immer einen dicken Jo... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Not so much a story as cry for help
Here is a story that is not a story but a problem, looking for a solution and i can certainly use some help. So please read on, keep in mind, all that everything is the truth and it is all real. I have lived as a transgender person since i was very young, and truly feel i am a female in a male... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Camming down the rabbit hole Ch6
In the morning I decided to give the running a miss and do a long session with the DVD, my legs had become a little sore and tight so some extra stretches and yoga would really help. I once again surprised myself with how much more flexible I had become, the plug still in my ass giving me occasional... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Emily's First Daddy
This is a story how a curious male can become a sissy slut seemingly overnight. So I was in an online adult chat just talking with random people and happened to mentioned where I live. Then all of sudden, I got a message from a man calling himself bear daddy. He introduced himself and said he was ... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Camming down the rabbit hole Ch2
How had I ended up in this situation? Sure I was going to need to make ends meet, but I could find a normal job couldn’t I? was I this desperate? Perhaps desperate wasn’t the right word, just over a month ago I had started out camming as a bit of fun, to maybe make a few pounds while I masturbated, ... Lese die ganze Geschichte
chickzdigmeyup:mmm serve4me:how might u adore my pretty feet? chickzdigmeyup:i love feet serve4me:so tell me how you'd make luv to them chickzdigmeyup:i'd get on all fours and lick them clean serve4me:I'd want u to suck each toe chickzdigmeyup:yes ma'am serve4me:open up that zipper boi serve... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Such a whore
I finnaly made this happen a few days ago ! i have been crossdressing for as long as i can remember.I still remember when i snathed a pair of my cousins panties when i was young i dont know theres is just something about womens clothes that just intrigies me . Any way growing up i always masterbate... Lese die ganze Geschichte
The dark elavator
I was working on a inportent computer tech. when this women send me a pc to pc message with a picture of a women say want to tast me baby. i look up and she says well how about it and winks i goto get lunch so i goto the elevator but it full. i dont want to take the red elevator its lights fliker... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Am I Who I Think I Am? Chapter 2
Well,I can't lay here all day and dream! I feel so good, so loved, so ravished. My smile is touching the pillow on both sides! I'm laying here daydreaming about my deflowering this morning. Inside me lives my lover's DNA, looking for a life to create. (Nice try little spermies, but you won't find it... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Marilyn: Going Your Way
"Oh yes…eat me…ooh yeah…" Marilyn was laying on one side, watching her sister Sharilynn get gently eaten by Kat. Marilyn herself was bottomless, letting her limp dick hang down to recover from soreness. Yes, it was one of those weekend afternoons that stretched into... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Epic weekend with stepbrother
Ok so me and step brother both graduated and where ready to celebrate we decided we are going to Vegas. We where both virgins so we couldn’t think of a better place to loose it. How where supposed to loose it was supposed to be a much different story. His was supposed to be like any young handsome ... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Die alte Sissy Sau und ihre Abenteuer
Ich warte darauf in den ARSCH GEFICKT ZU WERDEN Er hatte schon oft davon geträumt. Jetzt lag er da, seine Augen waren mit einer Ledermaske verbunden, seine Hände mit ledernen Riemen auf den Rücken gebunden. Er hört wie die Kerle die Türen verschließen. Seine Angst wird größer, das Blut pulsiert ... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Langes Nylon - Wochenende in Wien
Als ich nach einer zügigen Autobahnfahrt endlich meinen Zielort Wien erreichte, war ich froh endlich dort zu sein. Wir hatten uns schon länger nicht gesehen und freuten uns sehr auf unser langes Wochenende. Auf der Fahrt hatte ich mir in meiner Fantasie ausgemalt, wie wir die nächsten drei Tage wohl... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Aspen Brooks und der Morgenstern
Vorbemerkung: Ausgenommen aller Rechte an den Figuren des Luzifers-Universums ist diese Geschichte ist mein Eigentum. Vervielfältigung, Veröffentlichung auf anderen Seiten und außerhalb des Internets ist untersagt. Alle handelnden Personen sind über 18. Da es sich hier um eine Phantasie handelt, wi... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Mike der Pfleger
Mike der Pfleger Vorwort: Es handelt sich hierbei um meine allererste 'Sexgeschichte' die ich schreibe. Meine Schreibkunst befindet sich gelinde gesagt auf Amateurniveau. Die Geschichte ist frei erfunden und entspringt rein aus meinem perversen Gedankengut. Ganz nach dem Motto: 'Geschmäcker si... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Die Schwanz Insel
Es heißt eigentlich Huntington Island. Und es ist schon lange her und die meisten von uns in der Gegend wussten nicht viel darüber, außer dass die Gäste mit ihren Sachen mit dem Wasserflugzeug kammen und auch Essen und andere Lieferungen . Ich meine, es war ein Mysterium und nicht in der Stadt... Lese die ganze Geschichte
The Ultimate Slut Part 1
Vorbemerkung: Diese Geschichte ist mein Eigentum. Vervielfältigung, Veröffentlichung auf anderen Seiten und außerhalb des Internets ist untersagt. Alle handelnden Personen sind über 18. Da es sich hier um eine Phantasie handelt, wird an keiner Stelle „Safer Sex“ praktiziert. Viel Spaß! „Hey ... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Service nach klingeln Das Treppenhaus verströmt einen sinnlich, verführerischen Geruch. Neben der Türe ist eine Klingel in Form eines Penis. Einmal hoch und runter gleiten und ein Stöhnen erklingt. Eine zierliche Brünette öffnet freundlich lächeln die Tür und bitte mich hinein. In einem stielvoll... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Fuck little feets
Hallo ich wollte euch mal meine Geschichte erzählen wie geil ich früher schon war. Ich war sehr oft geil und ich wichste sehr viel ich stand schon immer auf Füße und wenn ich keinen hatte zum kuscheln dann hab ich es mit mir selbst gemacht. Das heißt ich wichste und leckte mir selbst die Füße de... Lese die ganze Geschichte
JoHannas Trainingsprogramm - Teil 2
Hi, der Fick-Trainings-Tag rückt näher ! Mir juckt schon der Arsch ! Das letzte Training war vor einer Woche und ich hab jeden Tag mit Freuden daran gedacht. Ich träume vom Schwanz lutschen ! Ich werde ganz wuschig und geil wenn ich an die feinen steifen Schwänze denke, die sich mir entgegenstrecken... Lese die ganze Geschichte
2 Faker, Eierlose, Blockierlistenuser und ein paar richtig geile
Freitags sind Fimia und ich an die Bi-Night im CW Volketswil gefahren. Als wir eintrafen, waren schon viele Freund:innen auf der Terrasse anwesend. Wir fläzten uns zu ihnen auf die Liegen und schon bald wurden allerlei Zärtlichkeiten ausgetauscht. Da wurde gefummelt, hier wurde geblasen und sogar da... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Nur eine Fantasie Da ist dieses schöne Mädchen mit der verräterischen Beule in der Hose. Wir sitzen neben einander und unsere Hände gleiten über den Körper des anderen. Unsere Lippen küssen sich und die Zungen spielen mit einander. Sanft zwirble ich ihre kleinen Brustwarzen und ziehe sanft an ihnen... Lese die ganze Geschichte
The Creators: Book One by
Chapter One: The Life Giver BRANDON My twin sister is dead, but she’s not gone. Death is a tragedy in the remote village of Towerhead, but it’s not a rarity. Farming accidents, disease, famine, natural disasters, you name it, it kills people in Towerhead. So, six years ago, when the oxen-pul... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Erotische Geschichte
Erotische Geschichte Es ist schon spät und die Autofahrt lange. Endlich ein Rastplatz. Blinker gestellt und abgefahren. Kurz die Beine vertreten und auf dem Klo erleichtern. Neben dem Eingang steht eine grossgewachsene Frau im Dämmerlicht. Mein Blick wandert ungeniert an ihrem Körper auf und ab.... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Hard Decisions by Elaine © 2020
Hard Decisions by Elaine © 2020 No one in this story is based on anyone alive or dead. It is a work of fiction and should not be read by minors. I appreciate the kind efforts of many of my friends who cast a welcoming glance over the initial writings. I owe you all a big debt of thanks. Prolog... Lese die ganze Geschichte
My Awkward Phase
My Awkward Phase ©Alexandra Rios 2019 The greatest lie is that what happens in high school doesn't matter, because life begins in college. I pretended to agree, although I never believed it, for I was the world's greatest liar. Wannabees I was hanging out with my friends Quinn, Barb and Anne ... Lese die ganze Geschichte
BANGING AROUND BANGKOK: THE AMOROUS ADVENTURES OF CAITLIN "MEOW" MORRISON after living and working in Thailand/SE Asia for many years i decided to write an erotic story based on some of the people i have known, venues and places i have been, and the P4P night-scene where i spent way too much... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Jamie knew he was different. He didn’t fit in with the other boys, but he didn’t feel like he fit in with the girls either, he just knew he was different. He wasn’t into dolls or balls. He was the smallest boy in his class and more than half the girls outweighed him. But the one thing he had going f... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Too Much Hospitality
Ash looked himself over in his bedroom mirror critically, finding himself oddly self-conscious about his looks. He had been texting Laura all throughout the day and they had agreed that dressing pretty casual would draw the least suspicion, so he had. He wore a simple patterned t-shirt and some ... Lese die ganze Geschichte
A Strange Romance
Although I was over qualified after I graduated and accepted a one as an Internet operations officer for one of the high street retailers. I was offered better jobs but I took the one with the retailers because it paid reasonably well and more importantly meant that I would have to relocate down to ... Lese die ganze Geschichte
The Greatest Lie Part 13
Does Life Imitate Art? I love technology, in spite of the stereotype about girls. Although I was a guy, at least outwardly, until a year ago, I think I was always inwardly a girl. According to the stereotype, we girls are supposed to be indifferent to anything more technical than the designer cov... Lese die ganze Geschichte
A Night of Lust
I was out at a night club with a few friends, and we were there for for a while before I noticed this sexy, rather short girl across from me at the bar looking over. I could tell, even from this distance that there was something special about her, I wasn’t sure what that was quite yet though. The mo... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Cheating Sissy Wife chapter2
My sweetheart Keith is back from his road trip and we were about to make up for lost time. He didn’t even want me to fix dinner. Instead he said that we would order pizza later. Meanwhile we started making out right there on the couch. We were both horny and anxious to get next to each other. I felt... Lese die ganze Geschichte
The Farm
“See you Sunday, baby,” said Marcus Jenkins to his wife, Tasha. “Alright! Have a good day at work,” the wireless phone company retail store manager smiled. “Love you, Kobe! Love you, Tiara,” the wastewater plant operator said to his offspring. “Love you, too, daddy,” the youngsters rang out in un... Lese die ganze Geschichte
I Knew Her Secret
I had a serious crush on the postal lady, I would wait on her until I saw that she was coming and then I would either make up some reason to go outside and exchange words with her or I would watch naked from inside of my house. I know it sounds perverted but I just couldn’t get enough of her. ... Lese die ganze Geschichte
I Knew Her Secret..
I had a serious crush on the postal lady, I would wait on her until I saw that she was coming and then I would either make up some reason to go outside and exchange words with her or I would watch naked from inside of my house. I know it sounds perverted but I just couldn’t get enough of her. ... Lese die ganze Geschichte
First Time With A She-male
My First Time with A She-male At that time I was 28 yrs, single as always after my gf of 10 months left me for a better alternative (we are friends till now). One Friday evening i was returning from my work a little high on vodka n some joints. I saw this boutique kinda shop near my locality dis... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Estelle sat before her dressing table, putting the finishing touches to her makeup. She had prepared herself as well as she was able, as her lover tonight was her benefactor – as the kept “whore” of Marcus Smith she owed her whole self to him and indeed, she loved him, but more than that, she loved ... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Feeling Womanhood Deeply
It seems somehow that my desire for womanhood is the one thing that everyone says I can’t have, but who are they to say why I should feel a certain way or want certain things? I want the very thing that their closed minds crusade against. It seems that the thing that brings me the most joy is the th... Lese die ganze Geschichte
delicious virile male flesh
Tasted delicious virile male flesh… The breeze caressed my swollen nipples giving me pleasant shivers. The two glasses of Riesling had also contributed to my excitement. My crotch was burning as if the disappearing sun had blown all its thermal energy into me. Under my fine lace panties, purple o... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Becoming My Roomate's Wife
Him becoming my master started a year ago when we moved in as roommates – we are both in our mid 20's and had relationships break up at the same time (we were sharing apartments with our girl friends at the time). We have known each other for more than a decade and have no secrets from each ot... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Chance Encounter 4/7
With her feet still pointed she starts slowly spreading and rubbing her cream over her nipples while i’m thrusting my cock in and out of her sweet hole. Her hole felt so beautiful! In and out I thrusted until I pulled out. I grabbed her hands, lifted her a little and pulled her towards me as I stood... Lese die ganze Geschichte
Used in a hotel room
This is a recurring fantasy I have about being used in a hotel room. I’m working on making this a reality but for now this will have to do. I travel a lot for work and end up in many cities across the world. Usually I am out and exploring bars and restaurants. Always ends with me jerking off alo... Lese die ganze Geschichte
A New Neighbor for the Holiday
Part 1 I wasn’t expecting a lot of excitement when I came home for the holidays from college. Most of my friends had off-campus jobs, so they wouldn’t be home for at least a week after exams ended. Mom was excited since I have been away since September and she was a bit lonely since the divorce. ... Lese die ganze Geschichte